Features of Vietnam's Foreign policy in 2000 & directions 2001

In 2000, Vietnam commemorated many important historical events. In the context of complex and fast regional and world situation, Vietnam foreign policy activities focused on the following main directions:

1. Continued promoting the policy of diversification and multilateralization of foreign relations, ceaselessly developing friendly and cooperative relations with other countries with priority given to neighboring countries in the region. Friendly and cooperative relations with the People's Republic of China have seen new development in both depth and breadth in conformity with the motto "good neighborliness, comprehensive cooperation, long-term stability and looking toward the future". Special friendly relations with the Lao People's Democratic Republic continued to be consolidated and developed. Good neighborly and friendly relations with the Kingdom of Cambodia continued to be consolidated with high-level exchanges. In the capacity as Chair of the ASEAN Standing Committee (ASC) and the ASEAN Regional Forum, since July 2000, Vietnam has focussed on implementing the Ha Noi Plan of Action, adopted by ASEAN; and on behalf of ASEAN, handled matters relating to military-security and sectoral cooperation and external relations of the Association. Together with improvement in multilateral relations, bilateral relations between Vietnam and each member of the Association have seen new development. Relations with East Asian and South Pacific nations also witnessed positive development. Vietnam and Japan have entertained a good and friendly relationship. Japan affirmed to continue strengthening relations with Vietnam. My Thuan Bridge is an expression of Vietnam - Australia friendship.

2. Strengthened relations with traditional friendly countries and actively expanded relations with Asian, African and Latin American countries. Vietnam has continued the policy of developing friendly, traditional, fine and cooperative relations with Cuba, reaffirmed its strong support for brotherly people of Cuba in opposing embargo and sanctions. Relations with countries in the Commonwealth of Independent States, Eastern Europe, Mongolia, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and India have also seen new development over the past year. Leaders of the Vietnamese Government and State conducted many visits to countries in these regions. With regard to the Russian Federation, Vietnam always sets store by developing and strengthening traditional, friendly relations and multi-faceted cooperation. This is a long-term priority and strategic orientation in Vietnam's foreign policy. Relations with countries in the Latin America, Africa and Middle East have also seen new development in the past year. High-level leaders of many African and Middle Eastern countries have visited Vietnam. Vietnam, in turn, has established embassies in South Africa, Brazil and a Consulate General in Panama. Mexico has reopened its embassy in Ha Noi.

3. Continued promoting relations with developed industrialized countries in Europe and North America along the line of strengthening cooperative relations, expanding markets, taking advantage of capital, investment, science and technology. Vietnam has actively strengthened its relations with the European Union as well as bilateral relations with West European and Nordic countries, striven to deepen cooperation. The visits to France, Italy and the European Commission by General Secretary Le Kha Phieu ushered in a new phase of development in relations between Vietnam and these countries. Relations with the United States saw a new important step forward with the meeting between State President Tran Duc Luong and US President W. J Clinton during the United Nations Millennium Summit held in New York, the first visit to Vietnam by a US President and the conclusion of the bilateral trade agreement.

4. Over the past year, Vietnam's foreign policy paid much attention on serving economic development, national construction and achieved some remarkable results. Export value increased rapidly (an estimated 21.3% as compared to 1999). Vietnam has been able to attract foreign direct investment and official development aid. At the Consultative Group Meeting in 2000 in Ha Noi, foreign donors and international organizations pledged USD 2.4 billion for hunger eradication and poverty reduction, and development programs.

5. Additionally, Vietnam actively participated in regional and international economic integration. As a member of ASEAN and APEC, Vietnam fulfilled well its bilateral commitments with other countries as well as commitments within the framework of the ASEAN Free Trade Area and the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation. So far, Vietnam has held 4 rounds of negotiations on its admission into the World Trade Organization.

6. Multilateral diplomatic activities have been strengthened, elevating Vietnam's status in the international arena. This year, Vietnam's highest-level leaders of the State, National Assembly, Government participated and contributed to the success of many important international fora such as the Millenium Summit in New York, the South Summit in Havana, the 10th UN Conference on Trade and Development in Bangkok, ASEAN Informal Summit in Singapore, International Conference of Legislative Heads in New York, the ASEAN Inter-parliament Organization General Council in Singapore. Additionally, Vietnam continued participating in United Nations activities.

In this spirit, the orientation for Vietnam's foreign policy for 2001 is as follows:

Continue to adhere to the open foreign policy along the line of diversification, multilateralization of international relations in accordance with the motto "Vietnam wishes to be a friend and reliable partner of countries in the international community, striving for peace, independence and development".

Continue to expand relations with all countries, especially neighboring ones, major powers, friendly countries that entertain traditional relations as well as regional and international organizations.

Actively accelerate the goal of "diplomacy serving economic development".

Successfully assume Vietnam's role in multilateral diplomatic activities, firstly the chairmanship of the ASEAN Standing Committee and the ASEAN Regional Forum. Further promote and enhance efficiency of multilateral diplomatic activities.

Continue to participate actively in regional and international economic integration, with importance attached to the roadmap of admission into the WTO and implementation of AFTA.