Vietnam, China to enhance comprehensive ties

Vietnam and China will strengthen comprehensive bilateral co-operation, affirmed Vietnamese Prime Minister Phan Van Khai and Chinese President Jiang Zemin during their meeting in Shanghai on October 19.

Mr Khai arrived in Shanghai the same day to attend the ninth APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation) Economic Leaders Meeting on October 20 and 21.

He conveyed Party General Secretary Nong Duc Manh's and President Tran Duc Luong's best regards to President Jiang Zemin who is the general secretary of the Communist Party of China. He also conveyed Mr Manh's and Luong's invitation for the Chinese leader to visit Vietnam.

Mr Khai said that Vietnam and China will boost their comprehensive co-operation for a two-way trade value of US $5 billion in 2005.

Vietnam congratulated China on its joining into the World Trade Organisation, considering it an important event for China, Mr Khai said, adding that, this would help Vietnam approach the large, potential market of China.

He expressed his high appreciation for China's careful preparations for the APEC Ministerial Meeting and the APEC Economic Leaders Meeting and his hope that the meetings will be successful.

The Vietnamese Prime Minister spoke highly of Chinese leaders' historic and important contributions to boosting the Vietnam-China relations with the signing of a joint statement, a border-land treaty, an agreement on demarcation of the Tonkin Gulf, and an agreement on fisheries co-operation, thus enhancing mutual trust and creating conditions for the building of a border-line of peace and long-lasting stability between the two countries.

President Jiang expressed his joy at receiving Prime Minister Khai and seeing Vietnam's achievements in its on-going renovation process. He said he believed that China and Vietnam, which have been bound by traditional time-honoured relations, shared many similarities and both carried out political reform and openness, would strengthen their comprehensive co-operation.

Both countries have effectively conducted economic projects, including the Thai Nguyen Iron and Steel Complex and the Ha Bac Nitrogenous Fertiliser Plant, and would continue to expand co-operation in the joint venture form, Mr Jiang stressed.

He said the two nations should boost bilateral economic and commercial co-operation to reduce declines in national and regional economies that have been adversely affected by the September 11 terrorist attack on the US.

Mr Jiang thanked Mr Khai for his appreciation of socio-economic development in China, and expressed his delight at Vietnam's economic growth after the ninth congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam. He was pleased to say that Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of China, Li Peng, was warmly received by the Vietnamese Party, National Assembly, and government leaders during his visit to Vietnam in September of this year.

The Chinese president asked Prime Minister Khai to convey his best regards to Party General Secretary Nong Duc Manh, President Tran Duc Luong, and other leaders of Vietnam.

Mr Jiang and Mr Khai came to an agreement that the ninth APEC Economic Leaders Meeting will leave fine impressions, offer important initiatives on the basis of consensus and in conformity with development of APEC members. (VNA)