World Bank’s global update report issued in Vietnamese

HA NOI — The World Bank has launched the Vietnamese language version of its major publication, the World Development Report 2004, at the same time as the English version for the first time.

World Bank Viet Nam director, Klaus Rohland, said the Vietnamese version had been released with the English version to allow local policy makers and the public timely participation in the global debate on development issues.

"This is strong proof of Viet Nam’s growing capabilities in general and especially in the use of knowledge, which will be playing a greater role in the country’s development process," Rohland said.

The report, launched yesterday, focuses on improving poor people’s access to services such as health, education and electricity.

"Too often, services fail poor people. These failures may be less spectacular than financial crises, but their effects are continuing and deep nonetheless," World Bank president James Wolfensohn said.

The report urges a greater voice for poor people in policy decisions and strengthening incentives for providers to serve them.

Economist and director of the 2004 report, Shanta Deverajan, said the report outlines why service provision needs to be inclusive.

"Services can work when poor people stand at the centre of service provision — when they can avoid poor providers, while rewarding good providers with their clientele, and when their voices are heard by politicians."— VNS