Ambassador Nguyen Quoc Cuong visits Missouri and Illinois

In the “Show-Me State” of Missouri, Ambassador Cuong paid a call on Governor Jay Nixon and met with representatives of Missouri University, Webster University and Washington University. At the Vietnam - Missouri Forum, Ambassador Cuong discussed Vietnam's socio-economic developments, FDI policy, particularly in high-tech and bio-technology, agriculture and human resource development in Vietnam.
In his meeting with Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler and Missouri agricultural leaders, Ambassador Cuong welcomed the Agriculture Committee of the U.S. House of Representative's vote for Rep. Hartzler's amendment to end the U.S. Department of Agriculture catfish inspection program. Rep. Hartzler welcomed Vietnam's decision to remove the ban on imports of U.S. white offal, and expressed her hope to see more U.S. agricultural export to Vietnam, including corn, soybeans, beef, pork, poultry, and dairy products.
A highlight of his schedule in Springfield, Illinois was his remarks before the Illinois House of Representatives on May 30th, in which the Ambassador conveyed a message on great potentials for increased U.S. - Vietnam ties, particularly in economic, trade and investment cooperation as Vietnam and the U.S. are negotiating the Trans-Pacific Partnership. Illinois Congressmen voiced their support for Illinois businesses to expand cooperation with Vietnam.
While in Springfield, Ambassador Cuong also participated in the Senior Ambassador Series Luncheon co-hosted by the University of Illinois and PBS-Springfield Network Knowledge, a channel that has almost one million subscribers. He talked about the U.S. rebalancing policy, and recent developments in the region, including bilateral ties and the South China Sea. Ambassador Cuong also met with Mayor Michael Houston of Springfield city.
Ambassador Cuong took the opportunity of his presence in Missouri and Illinois Springfield universities to meet with Vietnamese students and had cordial conversations with them./.